Owners' Corporations Advisory Services Scheme *


To strengthen support for Owners' Corporations (OCs) and promote effective building management, the Home Affairs Department (HAD) has been offering the“Owners' Corporations Advisory Services Scheme” (the Scheme) since March 2018. Property management companies (PMCs) are engaged to provide OCs with free advisory services on handling building management matters. The Scheme for 2024-2025 has been launched and is now open for application by OCs.

Service Targets

  • OCs in need of assistance in daily building management matters;
  • OCs requiring assistance in complying with the order/notice/direction issued by the Buildings Department and/or the Fire Services Department;
  • OCs requiring assistance in procuring third party risks insurance or appointing accountant; and
  • OCs requiring assistance in reactivating defunct or inactive management committees.

Scope of Services

  • Promoting the Building Management (Amendment) Ordinance 2024;
  • Providing OCs with advice and assistance in handling daily building management matters;
  • Assisting OCs in handling complaints or enquiries about building management matters;
  • Assisting OCs in complying with the order/notice/direction issued by the Buildings Department and/or the Fire Services Department;
  • Assisting OCs in applying for building management-related support services and subsidies;
  • Assisting OCs in procuring third party risks insurance;
  • Assisting OCs in appointing accountant to audit financial statements;
  • Assisting OCs in reactivating defunct or inactive management committees to handle building management matters; and
  • Assisting OCs in complying with the Building Management Ordinance (Cap.344) and relevant Codes of Practice, and adopting the Best Practices on Building Management and the Checklist on Procedural Propriety on Building Management.

How to Apply

Interested OCs may return the duly completed application form to the HAD or the District Building Management Liaison Team (DBMLT) of the corresponding District Office, or may click here to register.

Applicant will be notified of the result of the application within 30 calendar days. The PMC engaged will contact the applicant within 10 calendar days from the date of the issuance of the relevant notice to arrange advisory services.


For enquiries, please contact Division IV of HAD (Tel. no.: 2835 2540; email address: ocass@had.gov.hk)

* The scheme will NOT accept applications unrelated to the Building Management Ordinance (Cap. 344) (BMO), the Codes of Practice under the BMO or the Deed of Mutual Covenant of the building, nor applications concerning water seepage.