Routine Duties

Hong Kong is a densely-populated place where most people live in multi-storey buildings. If a fire breaks out, it will soon spread to the whole building, thus leading to a devastating consequence. To safeguard the lives and property of one's family, everyone in the community should be heedful of fire prevention.

Effective fire safety measures depend very much on proper building management. As such, management staff of a building are required to discharge the following routine duties -

  • to check the fire service installations and equipment regularly and carry out repairs once damage is found;
  • to check and inspect the electrical installations in the building regularly;
  • to check whether any alteration on fire resisting construction, such as opening a hole on or fixing a door to the wall, has been made. If so, professional advice should be sought;
  • to check whether the smoke lobby doors are kept close at all times and the means of escape are clear of obstruction; and
  • to organize fire safety seminars and fire drills regularly.
  • Code of Practice/Guides for Fire Safety